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The work of ISO International Standards is to ensure that products and services are of good quality, reliable and safe to use. The standards ensure the efficiency of business operations; boost productivity and help companies penetrate new markets.

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Training: Welcome

Employee awareness in ISO management system benefits and requirements is essential for organization in establishing, implementing and maintaining the system.


Our training will assist you with interpretation and application of ISO requirements and to help build and sustain an ISO management system that is efficient and effective.

We offer wide range of training programmes including ISO 9001 Awareness Training, ISO 14001 Training, ISO 45001 Training, ISO 22000 Training, FSSC 22000 Training, ISO Internal Auditor Training, etc, that are designed to improve the people competency by enabling them to learn and practice in most efficient manner.


We believe practical always contribute most in progress of knowledge acquisition. Therefore, our training sessions entail activities that stimulate actual business situations and encompass role-play, workshops and seminars to ensure maximum knowledge and skills transfer from our trainers to your staff.

Other than the common training programmes, we also develop tailor made in house training to cater your specific and unique needs. A detailed analysis on your organisation's operations and requirements shall be conducted prior to the propose of this tailor made training programme.

Training: Services

Below is the list of training with common training content.

List of Trainings:


  1. ISO 9001:2015 Understanding and Implementing QMS

  2. ISO 9001:2015 Internal Quality Auditor

  3. Non-conformity Report Reply Training

  4. ISO 14001 Understanding and Implementing EMS

  5. ISO 14001 Internal Auditor Training

  6. ISO 45001 Awareness Training

  7. ISO 45011 Internal Auditor Training

  8. ISO 22000:2018 Understanding and Implementing Food Safety Management System

  9. FSSC 22000 Understanding and Implementing Food Safety Management System

  10. Food Defence and Food Fraud Awareness Training

  11. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Understanding and Implementing

  12. Management of Nonconformity Training

  13. Prerequisite (PRP) Awareness and Implementation Training

  14. Understanding and Implementing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Requirements

  15. Understanding and Implementing Good Distribution Practices (GDP) Requirements

  16. ISO 13485:2016 QMS Medical Devices Requirements

  17. Key Performance Indicator ((KPI) Training

  18. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) Training

 19. MSPO & RSPO Training

Training: About


Send us an enquiry by filling form below, we will get back to you as soon as we can.

No. S-7, Gamuda Biz Suites, Persiaran Anggerik Vanilla, Kota Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor

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Training: Contact
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